travel sketch from 1997 to 2004
Asia-India 日本ーアジアーインド
TokyoGujarat, India 1999Kitchen in Dah Village 2002Ladakh old house and inage of anciesterTemple in LehBubaneshuwar, India 1999Boar House in Kashimir, India 1999Soma Village IndiaKitchen in Soma villagein the village close to 成都 ChinaIn the kitchen in Gujarat
Russia to Europe ロシアー欧州
Galina's kitchen Moscow 2002Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to VladivostokMeal at IrkutskHotel in Moscow 1997Irkutsk, RussiaWarsaw PolandKrakow old castleFirenze, ItalySurrey UKSicily, Italy 2002
Arizona Diné Land アメリカ ナバホ居留地
From Sundance Campground AZ 1997Bluecorn pancakeBlood SausageOn Rezhogan 1999Outhousein Dolly's hoganthe house旅の持ち物/my backpacking items back in 1997